Digital storyboard program
Digital storyboard program

Digital gives you more freedom to experiment without the risk of ruining the entire illustration. Since it’s on it’s own layer, if I’m not happy with it, I can always delete it later. If I try something new, I just put it on a new layer. I can also add neat airbrush effects for shading. Now I can draw in what looks like ink, but if I make a mistake I can erase it like a pencil. Also digital „brushes“ are very sophisticated nowadays. If I make a mistake when I draw, so it’s nice to be able to hit the „undo“ button.

digital storyboard program

Clients really like it when they request a change and a storyboard artist can adjust the storyboard while they are sitting next to you in no time at all.

digital storyboard program

Especially when clients are picky and need changes, like „make this car look bigger.“ Then you can just resize the layer while not disturbing the perfectly drawn background layer and the process takes seconds. I think in some respects because of the various advantages involved with using layers. It’s a more flexible approach to drawing storyboards. Some digital storyboard artists are super slow. Some traditional storyboard artists can really draw fast and beautiful on paper and pencil.

#Digital storyboard program professional

Clients look at digital storyboard artists as more cutting-edge, more professional maybe, if like me, you were young to start out, and maybe having some high-tech drawing equipment makes you at least look like you know what you are doing.

digital storyboard program

Max started his career creating storyboards traditionally (pen/pencil and paper) and has been a purely digital storyboard artist for the past few years. As creating storyboards digitally becomes more popular, we asked professional storyboard artist Max Forward his views on the pros and cons of working digitally.

Digital storyboard program